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Jennifer Mahoney

Ask Jennifer and her colleagues for help with graduate and professional level programs. 

If you have a question about a specific graduate program, you should contact the department for that program directly.

Please note, Jennifer's colleagues in the Graduate School will follow up with inquiries when she is not available.

Jennifer Mahoney works with university personnel who have an impact on the college recruitment process and she leads the university Graduate Recruitment Council (GRC) which is a standing committee under the Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC). She develops, plans, coordinates and administer workshops/events such as the Graduate School Boot Camp, Accelerate Acceptance: The Secrets of Graduate School Admissions Speed Sessions, Recruiters Workshop, and the Graduate Expo at IU Indianapolis. She also oversees the Graduate Non-Degree (GND) admissions process and serves as the GND administrative liaison and chief resource person for academic departments, administrative offices and GND students at IU Indianapolis. Jennifer is the editor for the office’s e-newsletters, The GradJag (for current students) and IU Indianapolis: The Spot for You (for prospective students).

Contact Information

Communications and Recruitment Manager

Jennifer Mahoney

University Library 1170
755 W Michigan St

Indianapolis, IN 46202