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Grants for military dependents

Indiana’s Child of a Disabled Veteran Program and Public Safety Officer Supplemental Grant Program (CVO) provides scholarships for some veterans and dependents of military and public safety officers.

What are CVO grants?

CVO grants pay tuition and fee assistance at the undergraduate rate for up to 124 credit hours. Tuition coverage is based on the veteran’s enlistment date and disability rating. In some cases you must use your CVO benefits within a certain period of time after applying for the grant.

A CVO grant pays:

  • Tuition
  • Student Services Fee
  • Repair and rehabilitation fee

A CVO grant does NOT pay:

  • Lab and other course-related fees
  • Textbook and supply fees
  • Housing and food
  • Program fees

How do I know if I’m eligible for a CVO grant?

CVO grants might help you if you are one of the following:

  • Eligible children of disabled Indiana veterans
  • Eligible children and spouses of certain members of the Indiana National Guard killed while on state active duty
  • Eligible children and spouses of certain Indiana public safety officers killed in the line of duty

How much will I be awarded?

CVO grants pay tuition and regularly assessed fees at the undergraduate rate for up to 124 credit hours. Tuition coverage is based on the veteran’s enlistment date and disability rating. In some cases, you must use your CVO benefits within a certain period after applying for the grant.

You can find more information about CVO grants at the Indiana Commission for Higher Education.

How do I apply for a CVO grant?

If you’re interested in being considered for a CVO grant, submit your application and all necessary documentation to the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs through ScholarTrack at least 30 days before the start of the semester in which you plan to enroll.

CVO grants supplement other state financial aid. You must submit a completed and correct FAFSA at least 7 to 10 business days before you apply for a CVO grant.

Information for students taking classes at more than one institution

If you have an award through the CVO Program, you can use it at IU Indianapolis and other schools within the state of Indiana. To do so, you must:

Complete your FAFSA, listing the code for both your home school and your host school.

IU Indianapolis: 001813

IU Columbus: E01033

IU Fort Wayne: E40457

Provide any requested documentation to either school’s financial aid office, including verification documentation.

Submit your CVO application and all necessary documentation to the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs through ScholarTrack at least 30 days before the start of the semester.

Meet satisfactory academic progress standards at each school.

IU Indianapolis

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships

Campus Center, Room 250
420 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202
