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Have your eligibility reevaluated

If your financial situation has changed, you can submit an appeal to have your student aid index (SAI) reconsidered. The financial aid office uses your SAI to determine how much federal student aid you would receive if you attend IU Indy.

What special circumstances may be considered for an appeal?

Here are some common changes in financial situations that are considered in SAI appeals, with a list of the supporting documentation each circumstance requires:

Loss or decrease of income

Voluntary job loss must be due to academic program requirements or circumstances beyond your control as an employee. For dependent students, the loss must generally occur to parent income but we will consider loss of income from the student as well.

Required documentation

  1. In a typed statement, provide a detailed explanation of job loss, wage decrease, or salary decrease.
  2. For a job loss, provide a letter on company letterhead, with beginning and ending dates of employment, earnings, and any compensation received in 2024.
  3. If unemployment compensation was received in 2024, provide a copy of the most recent benefit statement. If no benefits were received, explain in your typed statement.
  4. Provide any year-to-date paystub(s) for work in 2024 or a letter from employer stating wages or salary.
  5. Complete the section of the SAI appeal form that asks you to estimate your 2024 income.

Divorced, separated, or widowed after 2024-25 FAFSA was submitted

Required documentation

  1. In a typed statement, describe current living arrangements for family members, including all children.
  2. Provide documentation indicating the change in marital status (e.g., statement of separation, signed copy of divorce decree, letter from an attorney or court, or death certificate).
  3. Provide documentation indicating information regarding support the "custodial" parent/student will receive, including child support/ alimony payments or insurance settlement, pension payments, IRAs, etc., if applicable.
  4. Provide “custodial” parent or student 2022 federal tax transcripts and W2s.

Loss of one-time or non-recurring income

Required documentation

  1. In a typed statement, provide a detailed explanation of the one-time or non-recurring income and how the funds were used.
  2. Provide documentation showing the amount of the one-time income.

Unusual medical, dental, or nursing home expenses

Required documentation

  1. In a typed statement, provide a detailed explanation of the unusual medical, dental, or nursing home expenses.
  2. Provide a receipt, canceled checks, or other documentation showing payment for expenses.
  3. Provide documentation of costs covered by insurance.
  4. Provide a copy of the federal income tax form Schedule A (Itemized Deductions) from the tax year you paid the medical expenses. 

Prepare to submit

Before submitting your SAI appeal form, please note:

  • You must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2024-25 academic year.
  • If your FAFSA application has been selected for verification, the verification process must be completed before review of this application will begin. If your Student Aid Index (SAI) is already zero or less , you should not submit an appeal. You are currently receiving the maximum amount of aid and we are unable to make any further adjustments. You can find your SAI through Student Center on One.IU by clicking on “View Financial Aid,” selecting the 2025 award year, and clicking “Financial Aid Need Summary.”
  • Your application should be submitted no later than 30 days before the end of the award period.
  • Completing this form does not guarantee an increase in aid.
  • If you have previously submitted a special circumstances appeal, you should not file another for the same reason unless instructed to do so by this office.

Required materials

To file your appeal, please submit:

  • This completed application
  • A typed narrative explaining the situation
  • All supporting documentation listed for the requested category above

Please include your student ID number on all documents.

IU Indianapolis

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships

Campus Center, Room 250
420 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202
