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Alice Matouk

Alice works with 21st Century Scholars, homeschooled students, and first-generation students. Alice is trilingual in English, Spanish, and Cantonese.

Additional languages: Alice is trilingual in Spanish (written and spoken) and Cantonese (spoken).

I had an opportunity to meet students from diverse backgrounds and different countries.

Alice Matouk On her time as a student at IU Indianapolis

Alice began working at IU Indianapolis in 1999 as an academic advisor in University College during a graduate assistantship. She joined Undergraduate Admissions in 2003, and now serves as a senior admissions counselor.

As an IU Indianapolis graduate, one of Alice’s favorite memories from when she attended college was getting involved on campus: “I fondly remember serving as Secretary and Treasurer of the Psychology Club and connecting with School of Science students. Lifelong friendships were established, and I had an opportunity to meet students from diverse backgrounds and different countries.”

On campus, Alice’s favorite spot is Wood Fountain, located in Wood Plaza by University Library, since “it is a relaxing place to have lunch or connect with a colleague or student and to hear the water flowing.”

When she’s not working, Alice enjoys spending time outdoors on hikes or walks, exploring parks and gardens, and attending live concerts outdoors. Be sure to ask her what her favorite performance has been so far!

Contact Information

Senior Admissions Counselor, Undergraduate Admissions

Alice Matouk

Campus Center 255
420 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202