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Find money for college

You may be eligible for gift aid (scholarships or grants you don’t have to pay back), loans, or Federal Work-Study.

Understand how we’ll calculate your need

We’ll subtract your Student Aid Index from your cost of attendance.

Steps to apply

Find all the information you’ll need to file your FAFSA as a new undergrad, transfer student, or graduate student.

Take the first step

After you apply

After filing, see the steps you’ll need to follow to make sure you get your financial aid on time.

Get the checklist

Summer aid

If you need to take summer classes, there are different requirements you’ll need to fulfill.

Learn about summer aid

Study abroad aid

Check to see if your financial aid will cover the costs of your study abroad, and how to apply for more.

Get aid to study abroad

IU Indianapolis

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships

Campus Center, Room 250
420 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202


IU Indianapolis

Office of Admissions

Campus Center, Room 255
420 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202
