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Complete your parent tax non-filer form

The parent tax non-filer form for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) helps determine your eligibility for financial aid.

Completing your FAFSA verification

Learn why you need to verify, who will review it, and find forms.

Verifying your parents’ non-filer status

Parents who are required to pay taxes to another tax entity outside of the United States may be asked to provide a statement from the relevant tax authority that confirms taxes were not filed in addition to completing the form below.

If you’re requested to complete this form, it means your FAFSA indicates that your parent(s) didn’t file a 2022 federal tax return. If this is correct, please complete the form on this page based on the campus you are attending and submit it to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at the address listed on the form. Your parent(s) will also need to submit a wage transcript, and if you filed a return with a relevant tax authority other than the IRS, you will need to submit a letter of non-filing.

Once you’ve submitted your form, please allow up to 15 business days for your documentation to be reviewed. Additional documentation may be requested, and any form that is incomplete or provides discrepant information will require follow-up and delay processing.

If we are unable to complete verification, we may be required to cancel any existing financial aid awards you might have received.

Step 1: Complete the verification form

Download the form for your campus, complete, sign, and submit.

Step 2: Submit the form

You can either submit online or in person. Choose one of the following to complete your verification:

  • Email the signed form to
  • Or, securely send your scanned documents using the upload tool. You’ll need to log in using your network ID and passphrase.
  • Or, return it to the office using the following address:

IU Indianapolis Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Campus Center 250
420 University Blvd
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Instructions for obtaining a non-filing letter

How to get your verification of non-filing letter online

This letter confirms that you did not file a federal income tax return. You can obtain an electronic copy of the verification letter from the IRS using the online Get Transcript tool.

How to request your verification of non-filing letter by mail

The verification of non-filing letter confirms that you did not file a federal income tax return. There are two ways to request to have a copy of your verification of non-filing letter mailed to you:

Use your Social Security Number, date of birth, and the mailing address from your latest tax return to request to have the letter mailed to you. This request can be made using the online IRS Get Transcript tool. Mail or fax Form 4506-T to the IRS for processing. When completing this form, make certain to check the box next to line 7 to receive the correct non-filing documentation.

Please allow at least 7–10 business days after submitting your request for the documentation to arrive by mail from the IRS. For verification purposes, the verification of non-filing letter as well as IRS Forms 13873, 13873-T, or 13873-V are acceptable.

IU Indianapolis

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships

Campus Center, Room 250
420 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202
