IU Indianapolis is here to help you succeed
Start at the library
Whether you need help with research, a course guide, or just a place to print things out, start at a library.
Campus-wide resources
Accessible Education Services (AES)
Start here to get the support and academic accommodation you need to succeed as a student with a disability.
Bepko Learning Center
Take advantage of tutoring, mentoring, and success coaching services designed to help you achieve your educational goals.
Educational Equity Programs
Students from underrepresented populations can find support for their academic success, transition to college, and career development.
ePortfolio Studio
Meet with a peer consultant to get help with your ePortfolio assignment or feedback on an existing portfolio.
Knack Tutoring
Need help with a class? Check to see if there is a Knack student tutor available. It's free and available in person or online.
Mathematics Assistance Center (MAC) and Statistics Assistance (MAC Stat)
Get help with math and statistics at the MAC and MAC Stat. Open 60+ hours per week, including 5 hours of weekend support.
Speaker's Lab
Enhance your public speaking skills and boost your confidence at Speaker's Lab, an on-campus resource for everyone taking R110.
University Writing Center (UWC)
Improve your writing skills, and get personalized feedback and support from experienced readers and writers.
Graduate Mentoring Center
Help foster academic and career success for graduate students, while promoting a greater understanding of diversity on campus.
Subject-specific resources
Attend a free tutoring session customized for the accounting class you're taking.
American Sign Language
Take advantage of lab hours available for American Sign Language classes.
Biology Resource Center
Drop in for free tutoring for select biology courses and get fully engaged with the course content at the Biology Resource Center.
Chemistry Resource Center (CRC)
Get free, drop-in help for your 100-level chemistry courses at IU Indianapolis' Chemistry Resource Center.
Attend an in-person or virtual tutoring session and succeed in your economics class.
English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
Find resources to help you succeed as an international student if English is your second or third language.
Informatics and computing
Find help for a variety of Luddy School informatics, computing, and media arts classes through in-person and online tutoring sessions.
Neuroscience Resource Center
Drop in during center hours to get help with a variety of neuroscience courses.
Physics Learning Space
Head to the Physics Learning Space, a friendly and inviting environment, for drop-in and private tutoring options.
Psychology Resource Center
Get support and mentoring for your B110 Introduction to Psychology, from homework help to study skills and exam prep.
Spanish Resource Center
Visit the Spanish Resource Center in CA 205 for help with all things related to Spanish language and culture.