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Withdrawing from IU Indianapolis

You may need to take a break from all your classes (and that’s okay!). Follow these steps so your withdrawal is complete.

Withdrawal steps

It’s always a good idea to contact your advisor. They can help you close out the semester and prepare you to return when you’re ready in the future.

Note: You will NOT be dropped from your classes due to a past due balance.

Make sure you drop your classes

If you’ve stopped attending class (or if you never showed up for class), that doesn’t mean you’ve officially withdrawn. You will continue to remain enrolled in your courses and could earn F grades at the end of the semester if you don’t drop those classes.

Withdrawing through the first week

You can withdraw from IU without penalty (no grades and a full refund) during the first week of the semester. Cancel your registration by dropping your classes through the Student Center.

After you drop all classes, print a copy of your class schedule to make sure it shows that all classes were dropped.

Withdrawing after the first week

If you are withdrawing after the first week of classes, you’ll need to use eDrop/eAdd Classes to drop all your courses.

The classes in which you were enrolled will appear on your transcript with a grade of W or F as appropriate along with the date you withdrew.

Talk to Financial Aid and Scholarships

If you received financial aid for the classes you’re dropping, you might have to return those funds.

And while W grades don’t affect your GPA, a pattern of withdrawals may raise concerns about a lack of satisfactory progress toward your degree, which could impact your ability to receive financial aid in the future.

Be sure to talk to a financial aid advisor to understand exactly how withdrawing will impact you.

Cancel your housing contract and meal plan

Canceling your registration doesn’t cancel your housing contract or meal plans. 

If you live in campus housing, email from your university email account to notify them you are canceling your contract.

If you have a required meal plan, it will be canceled automatically when you cancel your housing contract.

Monitor your student account

After you withdraw from your classes, continue to monitor your student account and your IU email account for a few months to make sure all account adjustments have been made.

It can take up to 30 days for your student account to be finalized and a refund issued (if you’re due one).

If you owe a balance on your student account, pay it by the due date. Past due balances could prevent you from registering at any IU campus in the future.

When you withdraw makes a difference

What approvals you need and what your grade will be depend on when you withdraw.

Withdrawing from semester-long courses (fall/spring)
Deadline Approvals needed Grade Assigned Student Center Official Transcript
Before first day of class


Initiate drop in One.IU.

No grade

Class will be deleted from your academic record

Class will not appear

First week of class


Initiate drop in One.IU.

No grade

Class will appear as DROPPED

Class will not appear

2nd – 9th week of class

Academic advisor.

Initiate via eDrop/eAdd

Automatic W

Class will appear as ENROLLED with grade of W

Class will appear with grade of W

10th week – end of class: extenuating circumstance

Academic advisor + instructor + dean.

Initiate via eDrop/eAdd

W or F

Class will appear with W or F grade as assigned by instructor

Class will appear with W or F grade as assigned by instructor

Withdrawing from six-week courses (summer)
Deadline Approvals needed Grade Assigned Student Center Official Transcript

Before first day of class


Initiate drop in One.IU.

No grade

Class will be deleted from your academic record

Class will not appear

First week of class


Initiate drop in One.IU.

No grade

Class will appear as DROPPED

Class will not appear

2nd – 3rd week of class

Academic advisor.

Initiate via eDrop/eAdd

Automatic W

Class will appear as ENROLLED with grade of W

Class will appear with grade of W

4th – 6th week: extenuating circumstances

Academic advisor + instructor + dean.

Initiate via eDrop/eAdd

W or F

Class will appear with W or F grade as assigned by instructor

Class will appear with W or F grade as assigned by instructor

Emergency withdrawal

You might need to withdraw from IU Indianapolis due to an unexpected event such as a major medical issue, death in the family, job loss, or divorce. In cases such as these, contact IU Indianapolis Student Advocacy and Support for assistance.

Military withdrawal or leave

If you serve in the U.S. armed forces, we understand that you may be called to duty with little notice for:

  • Active-duty deployment (not including basic training)
  • Specialized training
  • Disaster relief efforts

Contact the Office for Veterans and Military Personnel for assistance as soon as you’re notified of an upcoming deployment or extended military duty.

What happens to your financial aid when you withdraw?

If you withdraw from IU Indianapolis after your aid has been applied, the federal government requires us to calculate whether your aid must be repaid. We may return all or some of the money already applied to your student account. The amount that will be repaid will depend on when you withdraw and what charges are on your student account.

State grants (Frank O’Bannon Grant & 21st Century Scholars) might also be affected.

You’ll be notified within 45 days of withdrawing if any adjustments were made to your federal or state awards, and you’ll receive a bill for any unpaid balances.

Instructor’s use of administrative withdrawal

You’re expected to attend all your classes and complete all required course activities and assignments. Undergraduate students who miss more than half of the required activities of a class during the first 25 percent of the course can be administratively withdrawn by their instructor. If this happens, you’ll receive a grade of W on your transcript.

Administrative withdrawal can affect your financial aid eligibility as well as have academic and financial implications. For example, if you’re administratively withdrawn from a course, you won’t be eligible for a tuition refund.

Academic units may establish an administrative withdrawal policy that’s more restrictive than IU Indianapolis’s policy. If your academic unit has a more restrictive policy, you’ll find details in each course syllabus.

Make sure you officially drop a course if necessary, rather than just not attend classes.

IU Indianapolis

Office of the Registrar

Campus Center, Room 250
420 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202